What are the EASA Standard Scenarios STS-01 and STS-02 ?

The EASA Standard Scenarios STS-01 and STS-02 are very often seen as the holy grail of the EASA drone regulations. But what are those Standard Scenarios really? Do they bring the simplification needed in order to operate drones commercially? And if yes, how can we use those?

EASA – Standard Scenarios – Why the term “Standard Scenarios” ?

Very often the term Standard Scenarios (STS) is understood as sort of simplified scenarios. In reality, Standard Scenarios should rather be understood as kind of  “Standardized Scenarios” meaning that they do provide a kind of recipe for a specific scenario/use case.

EASA – Standard Scenarios – What are the Scenarios ?

The standard scenarios apply under very specific conditions. In both STS-01 and STS-02, the drones can be operated on an area under the control of the operator at safe distances from people. In STS-01, the distances should be at least as follows:

Maximum Height AGLGround risk buffer distance with maximum take-off mass up to 10 kgGround risk buffer distance with maximum take-off mass greater than 10 kg
30 m10 m20 m
60 m15 m30 m
90 m20 m45 m
120 m25 m60 m
150 m30 m75 m
Ground Risk Buffer Sizes as a function of the maximum operating altitude for the STS-01

In the case of the STS-02, the distances are directly proportionate to the operating altitude.

The operations are always limited to 120 m and in the case of the STS-01 to the Visual line of sight of the pilot. In the case of the STS-02, the operation can take place at 1 km from the pilot or 1 km from an observer that is in direct communication with the pilot.

What standards should the manufacturer fulfill to have its UAS operated in STS-01 or STS-02 ?

C class marking

In order to operate under STS-01 or STS-02, the UAS has to be marked with a class marking C5 or C6. Following UAS have such a class marking:

ModelCommercial NameDesign OrganisationClass Marking
AVSS PRS-M350EXAVSS PRS-M350EXAVSS – Aerial Vehicle Safety Solutions Inc.C5 (STS 01)
AVSS PRS-M3DTEXAVSS PRS-M3DTEXAVSS – Aerial Vehicle Safety Solutions Inc.C5 (STS 01)
Aerobotic Spray-LAerobotic Spray-LAeoticC5 (STS 01)
Mavic 3 Pro Cine Flysafe C5Mavic 3 Pro Cine Flysafe C5Flying EyeC5 (STS 01)
Mavic 3 Pro Flysafe C5Mavic 3 Pro Flysafe C5Flying EyeC5 (STS 01)
Matrice 30T Flysafe C5Matrice 30T Flysafe C5Flying EyeC5 (STS 01)
Matrice 30 Flysafe C5Matrice 30 Flysafe C5Flying EyeC5 (STS 01)
Matrice 350 RTK FlysafeMatrice 350 RTK FlysafeFlying EyeC5 (STS 01)
Mavic 3M FlysafeMavic 3M FlysafeFlying EyeC5 (STS 01)
Mavic 3T FlysafeMavic 3T FlysafeFlying EyeC5 (STS 01)
Mavic 3E FlysafeMavic 3E FlysafeFlying EyeC5 (STS 01)
C5 (STS 01)
Kronos AD Mavic 3MKronos AD Mavic 3MDRONAVIAC5 (STS 01)
Kronos AD Mavic 3TKronos AD Mavic 3TDRONAVIAC5 (STS 01)
Kronos AD Mavic 3EKronos AD Mavic 3EDRONAVIAC5 (STS 01)
VRGU23AGuardianVector Robotics SrlC6 (STS 02)
UX11-IR-LEDelair UX11 Longue Elongation Caméra IRDELAIRC6 (STS 02)
UX11-RGB- C6Delair UX11 Caméra RGBDELAIRC6 (STS 02)
UX11-AG-LEDelair UX11 Longue Elongation Caméra AGDELAIRC6 (STS 02)
UX11-RGB-LEDelair UX11 Longue Elongation Caméra RGBDELAIRC6 (STS 02)
UX11 IR RadiometricDelair UX11-Longue Élongation Caméra IR RadiométriqueDELAIRC6 (STS 02)
UX11-AG-C6Delair UX 11 Caméra AGDELAIRC6 (STS 02)
UX11-IR-C6Delair UX11 Caméra IRDELAIRC6 (STS 02)
VRFH23AFireHound | FH-0Vector Robotics SrlC6 (STS 02)
Aerobotic Spray-LAerobotic Spray-LAeoticC5 (STS 01),C6 (STS 02)
C5 and C6 Class marked drones

What does the operator need do to fly in STS-01 or STS-02 ?

In the Standard Scenarios and after having registered as an operator in the country where the company is based, the operator has to establish an Operations Manual compliant with applicable regulation for the operation under the envisaged STS. The Operations Manual should contain:

  • A description of the intended operations
  • A description of the roles and responsibilities in the company operating the UAS
  • Processes and procedures to operate the UAS
  • A description of the Pilot Training
  • A technical description of the UAS including maintenance instructions and organisation.

Then the operator will have to provide the authority with a declaration that he complies with the requirements of the said STS.

Which training should pilots have in order to fly under the STS-01 or the STS-02?

In order for pilots to fly in the STS-01 and STS-02, they should have followed the A1/A3 and the A2 exam complemented with an STS theoretical and practical training. The theoretical training is provided by the aviation authority while the practical training takes place at an aviation authority recognized training entity.

EASA Standard Scenarios – Is it worth the effort?

At this point, it rather depends on your exact drone application but as an operator or a pilot it is of paramount importance to understand whether the missions that one intends to perform can be done under the limitation of this Standard Scenario before going through the effort of making the remote pilot license for the Standard Scenarios or writing an Operations Manual. It is also key to identify whether there is an available C5 or C6 marked drone available for the intended missions.

Means of Compliance

Very often the safety distances might be too limiting in order to perform the said mission and the Standard Scenario will not allow you to perform a specific mission. Whenever those safety distances are too limiting or in case the standard scenarios cannot be used, it is still possible to perform the mission under a Specific Operations Risk Assessment approved by the aviation authority.

This can require more time to be established and approved but may be equivalent in a lot of aspects to establishing the Operations Manual for Standard Scenarios while not having to constrain your operation with a specific scenario.

Overall we can say that Standard Scenarios are rather constraining and are also demanding for manufacturers and operators. Therefore if you aren’t sure whether they should be used for your drones flights, don’t hesitate to get in touch get in touch with UASolutions. At UASolutions we provided tailored made consultancy on drone topic to best identify the simplest and most suitable regulatory solution for your drone operation.